To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. More than 500 years ago, during the time of Shakespeare, there were no TVs, movie theaters, or handheld communication devices. There were also no video games, pizza joints, destination vacations, cruises, or team sporting events in gigantic arenas. What could average people do for entertainment? They could attend live theater, of course – if they… Read more »
Jesus’ original disciples were not what an objective observer would call the brightest and the best. The top students – those who at the age of 13 had rung up the highest marks on their SATs (if there had been a Synagogue Aptitude Test) and who therefore seemed destined to become the future leaders of Israel – would typically present… Read more »
Few people have come to know the inner workings of Capitol Hill as intimately as the late journalist and bestselling author Cokie Roberts. Both her parents served the state of Louisiana as Congressional representatives – her mother succeeding her father after his untimely death. Roberts spent more than 40 years as a political reporter, senior news analyst for National Public… Read more »